The Cost of Trust

Who said uncertainty is bad?  Since when did the “unknown” get such a bad rap as being something to dread and run away from?   Uncertainty and the unknown are just as they sound.  Not certain, not known.  The thing in question could go either way.  We just don’t know.  So, why not imagine that it works out? 

Imagining a positive, or even a neutral outcome, takes a great level of trust in “the universe” or faith that whatever happens is meant to happen, and if it’s not what I wanted, I’ll be able to handle it.  

Yet, for many of us, our brains experience uncertainty as negative, a cause for stress, when all it is, is unknown. Neuroscience would tell us that we’re wired to protect ourselves in uncertain times, to be on guard for that hungry panther who could surprise us at any moment. So better assume the worst so we’re ready. But not knowing if our kids will live long healthy, happy lives; or if we’ll find a suitable life partner; or if our jobs will be there 5-10 years from now; is not the same as wondering if there’s a panther beyond the bend.  We don’t need to panic.  We don’t need to be on alert.  In short, we don’t need to stress over it.  And of course we’ll be better poised for a positive outcome if we DON’T stress over it.

I used to say that trusting it’ll work out as opposed to worrying that it won’t are both free….so why not pick the one that works better for you?  But I’ve changed my mind on that.  Worrying that it won’t work out isn’t free at all.  We pay with our physical and mental health.  It’s a serious cost.  Trusting things will work out and trusting that if it doesn’t you’ll be able to handle it is free and therefore affordable to us all. 

What’s your take on this?  What’s the price you’re willing to pay for worrying about the unknown?

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