Parenting Teens Coaching Questionnaire

Judy Elkin M.Ed., PCC, ORSCC


Briefly, what’s bringing you to coaching now?

If coaching were to be really successful, what would be different in you and/or your relationship with your child? 

Relationship Strengths.    

  1. What do you respect most about your son/daughter/parent?
  2. When are the two of you at your best together?
  3. What aspect of your relationship are you most proud of?  

Relationship Challenges. 

  1. What would you say is the biggest challenge that you two face in your relationship at this time? 
  2. When are you most frustrated with your son/daughter/parent?
  3. If you could change one thing in your relationship what would that be?  

What are your concerns about coaching?  

Is there anything else you’d want me to know before we get started?

Download this questionnaire and email your completed version back to Judy.